DEar FRieNDS, fAMILY, Other DOGS i barK At NEArbY, and oOF course DAD:
Th*Is was A SpeCial YEEr. I aβccomPsihEd many GoOAls.
I Was Very STInky.
I sAw sqUIRRELS IN the Yard.. a Lot! I ALmost got One.
i THREW UP on eVEry RUG!%!
Nott enuff BONES :-((
To maNY baths :-(((((
mY little Brother PULLed my TaIL. BUT!! I diβdnt Bite.
HeLLo Moom.
I ββaM hUNGry.
Happey NEW YeER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next yEeR i hoppe to LICK More.
LOVE ,Mack
Chortle for the Holidays!
Santa's Rejects: Reindeer Who Didn't Make the Cut
MURDER at the December to Remember Sales Event
Mak is a very cool name for a dog. My dog Mac gives a big bark shout out to yours! Hope you get lots of treats!
I only made it to "I Was Very STInky" before laughing.