You really outdid yourself here bud. I laughed, I cried, I was filled with disgust, might have even gotten a chub at some point too. A Four Quadrant masterpiece fersher 🤌🏼🏆
Whew, that was a real roller coaster of emotions you just took me on. I think you have the animated comedic documentary short category locked up. Loved it! 😂 👏🥇🏆
Well, I must say, as someone who used to work in the "industry" I would say, there's nothing like kissing ass and willingness to show it to get an award nomination. You did hit many genre categories and put yourself in a good position with Animated Short. The fact that you wrote, produced, directed and starred is also good. You will be hailed as the next....ummm....huh...actually, no one has ever won all of those at the same time. You will be the first! Congrats...
Gratuitous nudity is essential in any film with serious Oscar aspirations. The Academy may not recognize any symbolism in this character’s persistent nudity making him vulnerable to modern bullshit like Jeff Bezos and fluorinated ground water.
However, the bare ass shot at the end likely kept this film in the running.
After all, Dancing with Wolves beat Goodfellas for best picture back in the day. Costner showed his ass, DeNiro, Pesci, et al were above it and went home in shame. Otherwise the two films are nearly identical at their core . There are more buffalo in the one , if they confuse the viewer.
You are so funny and I for one would give you an Oscar in a New York minute!! Even though I have seen your buttie!! I laugh just thinking about it!!😂😂😂😂
OSKERS 4 GROG! Great job bud.
You really outdid yourself here bud. I laughed, I cried, I was filled with disgust, might have even gotten a chub at some point too. A Four Quadrant masterpiece fersher 🤌🏼🏆
Lmaoooo checking every box! Thanks for watching buddy 🙏
Whew, that was a real roller coaster of emotions you just took me on. I think you have the animated comedic documentary short category locked up. Loved it! 😂 👏🥇🏆
lol a category just for me! How special!
Well, I must say, as someone who used to work in the "industry" I would say, there's nothing like kissing ass and willingness to show it to get an award nomination. You did hit many genre categories and put yourself in a good position with Animated Short. The fact that you wrote, produced, directed and starred is also good. You will be hailed as the next....ummm....huh...actually, no one has ever won all of those at the same time. You will be the first! Congrats...
that was fun!
Gratuitous nudity is essential in any film with serious Oscar aspirations. The Academy may not recognize any symbolism in this character’s persistent nudity making him vulnerable to modern bullshit like Jeff Bezos and fluorinated ground water.
However, the bare ass shot at the end likely kept this film in the running.
After all, Dancing with Wolves beat Goodfellas for best picture back in the day. Costner showed his ass, DeNiro, Pesci, et al were above it and went home in shame. Otherwise the two films are nearly identical at their core . There are more buffalo in the one , if they confuse the viewer.
What was the question?
Well Done.
This guy gets it!
so proud of you and this weirdo wonderful short!! (short on time, long on talent!!)
You are so funny and I for one would give you an Oscar in a New York minute!! Even though I have seen your buttie!! I laugh just thinking about it!!😂😂😂😂